My Secret Weapon to Keep Food Hot or Cold
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No, I'm not talking about a chafing dish or a warming oven, or even a crockpot. I'm going to share my secret that costs under $12 and you can use it over and over again.
You can even take it with you to a potluck or covered dish dinner. Curious yet?
Here's the deal. You're invited to a potluck dinner. You've slaved for hours (okay, maybe an exaggeration) but, you've made this dish you just know everyone is going to love. You take it right out of the oven and head off to the party.
Then you have time to travel and when you arrive there's a stinkin' social "hour", or somebody is late. By the time the dishes are uncovered and everyone eats, your (previously delicious) contribution is no longer warm and delicious.
The first line of defense for keeping potluck food hot or cold
If you don't have one of these you need to get one. This is mine. It's made by Pyrex and has been well loved.
It's an insulated casserole carrier and comes with a 9" x 13" covered baking dish and a hot and cold pack that you heat in the microwave to keep food warm or freeze for keeping food cold. These are awesome and there are some really cute ones out there now.
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I found this one from Rachel Ray in two colors and it's definitely a notch above mine in looks.
This one from Amazon is similar to mine:
How to keep food warm at a party
These are great for getting to the party, but, at their cutest, these things are not really elegant sitting on a buffet table. And besides that, you've always got some well-meaning "helper" who takes everything out of their carriers 30 minutes before the meal is served.
Or, maybe you have something that just doesn't hold heat well or would get soggy all covered up tight. Like my sausage balls I make every Christmas, for instance. Or, delicious rolls like these
Okay, the Secret is:
That hot pack that comes with your casserole carrier? It will keep food hot for a long time... maybe an hour and a half to two hours. Pull it out and slip it under your casserole dish on the buffet table.

Seriously, no one will be the wiser. And, the other cooks now serving cold mush will be green with envy when you rake in all the compliments. The truth is, your dish may be no better than theirs, but yours stayed WARM!
Here's what I do with the sausage balls or rolls. Just slip the hot pack in a basket and then line it with pretty napkins. I've got this great basket that's the perfect size and shape.

See the hot pack hiding under there? It will keep food warm and it's pretty sneaky, huh?
To be honest, I haven't used the cold pack nearly as much as the hot one, but I have used it, and it works great too.
I see now on Amazon that they have these combination packs that can be either heated or frozen. I've not tried them, but if you have, leave a comment and let us know if it works well.
One last tip on how to keep picnic or party food warm
Use it at home! Really. Do you ever have more dishes to bake than you have oven space? Or, guests who come with a casserole that still needs to bake when they arrive?
I like to have one of my dishes already done and zipped up tight in my carrier. It frees up oven space and cuts down on hostess stress, and that's a big deal for me. I want to be as relaxed as possible when having people over.
For a full list of Backyard BBQ Menu Ideas plus tips on planning, organizing and keeping guests involved and happy be sure to check this article.
This hack would be great to use with these recipes:

FLORENCE @ VintageSouthernPicks says
This is a great idea! I needed it this weekend when food got cold from stove to table in my own home. I have one of those zipper covers, but no hot pack. Bummer. Love how you "hid" it in your basket! Pinned.
Pam says
Thanks, Florence. My casserole carrier came with a hot pack, but I wore that one out and had to replace it. They are worth their weight in gold!
Patti says
Genius! I have a carrier and blew up the hot pack years ago. It never occurred to me to look for a replacement (duh). Thanks for this awesome tip!
Pam says
Thanks, Patti! I'm actually of thinking of getting a couple more hot packs just to sit under casseroles, etc. without the carrier.
Noreen McCafferty says
How do you order a replacement hot pack? Thank You.
Pam says
Hi Noreen. I'm pretty sure I replied to you in a p.m., but feel free to leave another comment if not. thanks!
Tabitha @ Tabitha Talks Food says
This is such a good idea!!
Pam says
Thanks, Tabitha. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.
Diana Cruz says
I didn't know how to use the rubber pack that came with my long dish. Thank you for the tip. I am going to a potluck dinner for Girl Scouts, and making mostacelli. I pray it stays warm. I was happy when my daughter gave it to me a couple of years ago for Christmas. It has been put to good use. I need a small one, and will look for it. Thank you.
Pam says
So glad we could help out, Diana. If you heat it according to the directions and slip it under your dish it will stay hot for a good while. Have fun with those Girl Scouts!
Venus says
That's a great idea as chafing dishes can be used in parties but what if you are going picnic. You come up with the best solution and its handy. Thanks for sharing.
Lisa says
How have I gone through life without one of these?
I’m getting one this week!
Pam says
You'll be glad you did, Lisa!
Susan says
You're so clever and I'm so happy I found this, thank you for sharing! I'm a vegan for ethical reasons so when it comes to potlucks and such, I try to inspire others with delicious, plant-based food, so I can't get away with cold, soggy food that should be nice and hot!
Pam says
Thanks, Susan. I guess truly we all want whatever we cook to be at its best, but even more so in your case.
Brandy says
Any ideas of where to get a basket that fits a 9x13 pyrex well. I have the carrier and the hot pack, but absolutely love the idea of "hiding" the pack to display the dish. Cute and functional!
Pam says
Brandy, Our metal basket was found at a flea market but this link (affiliate) goes to a wicker basket that fits a 9 x 13.
Brandy says
Thank you!
JL says
May I also suggest taking a trivet or a layer of towels to go under the hot pack so the finish on someone else’s table stays safe? Otherwise I think I’m in need of a few of these. Great tips.
Pam says
Good idea, JL!
Deborah says
Great ideas! I actually have all these necessities - the ice/hot packs and an oversize insulated zippered bag. I just never thought of using them this way! Duh! Thank you.
Jenn says
This was an unnecessarily long winded post. And, yes, this needed to be said.
Pam says
Thanks so much for your input, Jenn.